Thursday, October 30, 2008

So at the 3rd of Oct. we headed out to California. We got there in good time and set up camp. Suzie, Frank and the boys were camping too. They had stayed at the campground before, it was nice to have the shower and swimming pool.. So we made it to Legoland with the Witt's we had a really fun time. Nichole was able to go on all the rides but a few , she really loved it. We also made our way to San Anna to see family, it was so nice to see everyone we really do enjoy the warm welcomes everytime we come. So it seemed like the four days went so fast but we went rushing and that made it 100% wonderful.


Victoria McCumber said...

Cute pics! Looks like you had a great time. Gotta love that California weather!

Heather said...

Im glad you had a good time. We are bound and determined to make it to LegoLand at some point. I am sure the kids would love it.

Rob N Amy said...

Looks like tons of fun. It has been years since I have been on rides like that.

Rob N Amy said...

We would rather live closer into town. The Realtor only sent us stuff from Chandler and Queen Creek. We have asked him to send us other stuff. Thanks for the tips. Some one told us it was 90% LDS and a really good community.