Thursday, July 24, 2008

Big Surf

So today we went to Big Surf.. It was alright but it sucked because they were all about the 48'' tall we thought that since Sunsplash and Big Surf were run by the same owners we didn't think that they wouldn't be so anal but they were. Maybe they have had some problems in the past who knows. We did have fun but just not as much as last week. So next week we are going camping we should have some good pictures and things to say about that hope we don't get rained on ++

1 comment:

Brenna said...

You sent me an invite to contribute to the blog (which gives me access to change things) & I think you meant to send a regular invite. You may need to delete me through your preferences and send the regular friend invite. Otherwise I could totally make your bloggy crazy if I wanted too! lol jk