Monday, August 4, 2008


We went to White Horse Lake about 20miles from Williams Az with the Witt's,McFaddens, GM and Nissan.Camping was lots of fun. We were able to get there Friday about noon and set up camp. Nichole and Curtis tried to do some fishing but didn't have much luck. There was lots of playing in the woods for Nichole and Aggie (our dog).Curtis even took Nichole out on a raft on the lake that was funny to watch, Curtis's side was almost in the water and Nichole's side was on air instead of the water. But they had fun, and got some sun on the lake. Caleb and Nichole played so much I think that they both loved being outside and the freedom of the woods. It was nice being about to spend time with Suzie, Frank and the boys. It was nice and relaxing all but trying to keep Nichole sleeping in her own sleeping bag. Which of course was my headache good thing I guess that I have a King Size sleeping bag. We did get a little rain but the tent held up with no problems. There was allot of funny things that happened but this one takes the cake. About 2:30 in the morning Curtis keeps telling me every five minutes or so that Aggie need to go outside to go potty. I just act like I am sleeping hoping that he will get up, so finally I was got up and Aggie was snoring away. I went back to sleep and within a few minutes there was some noise right around the tent and loud crunching. Curtis sits right and say that's not Aggie and gets a little on edge. Anyways long story short is was an animal eating the dog food that we forgot to bring into the tent.


Rob N Amy said...

Camping looks fun. I have never heard of that place. Madi would have a blast petting the deer.

Nichole Christensen said...

Looks like so much fun! I love the pictures!

I am about to make my blog private, so will you email me your email address so that I can send you an invite? It's

Sarah or Stephen said...

Yay! Pictures, your little girl is adorable@! Camping can be so fun, email me and let me know next time you're so close to Flagstaff!

Victoria McCumber said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I love the pic of Caleb and Nichole in the tandem chair. Sooo- cute!

Heather said...

okay so you must have 2 blogs set up because I have been going to your old one waiting for your posts!!! Now I think I have it right.

Rob N Amy said...

Do You know anyone from Howell Michigan?

Brenna said...

Wow you have a little one! She is adorable! All grown up Missy! Do people still call you that! lol Fun pics! White Horse lake was one of my earliest memories as a kid. What a fun place...Camping is the best!