Sunday, January 22, 2012
Well it is clear that I suck at keeping in touch and updating anything about our little family. However life is good. We are all healthy happy and busy little bee's.
Daddy Curtis has been making it all happen. He is working on finishing up his degree in Dietetics, working at Banner Good Sam Hospital, being a good dad and husband. One of the big high lights this year was that we were able to go to his first NYG Football Game because they came to play the Az Cardinals. Oh yeah they won. Also he became one of the biggest D-backs fans, attending at least 15 games this season. Nichole and I both enjoyed going on dates with him to the games.
Nichole is our big SECOND GRADER! Toot Toot Nichole is a straight A student too! She just turned 7 at the end of December which is hard to believe. This past summer she was on the City of Mesa swim team. She did awesome! Made it to the second round of the semi finals. She loves playing outside riding her bike or scooter. But don't let that fool you she is all girl. She loves curling her hair, getting dress-up and even trying to wear make-up. Nichole has really been blessed has so have we with some really awesome friends. Rachel from school is a sweet girl and they get alone wonderful. The Cook's and Garn's are also her favorite friends to go to the park with or just hang out with. Nichole is a close to perfect child and big sister. I am not sure that it gets any better then her.
Brother Curtis is well my baby boy. Even on a good day he is wild and funny thing is I don't know that we would change it. Curtis can melt our hearts and drive us crazy all at the same time. He is almost 3 and super busy. He loves to ride the quad, his bike and play football. He also has a good time getting into all of Nichole's treasures. lol isn't that what all little brothers do. He has been working very hard at being a good Big brother too. Has only managed to get hold of Stella and drop her twice in four months. But really he worries whenever she cries and always wants to help take care of her. Curtis is a great kid.
Yes, that is right I did say Stella. She is the latest addition to the Armijo family. Stella Rae-Lynn joined us Sept. 17th at 11:47. She was perfectly healthy at 36 weeks and weighted in at 7lbs 14oz same has Nichole. Dad and Mom. Stella was sure a surprise and the result of all Nichole praying for a little sister I am sure. She is a bundle of love and joy everyday in our home. We are so blessed to have her.
As for myself I have been doing my best to manage our family of 5. Everyday has it’s challenges that is for sure but Curtis and our kids are my world and I love them! I hope that everyone has a wonderful 2012 has I hope we do.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
My Oh My How Time Fly's
I can't believe we are here in 2011.This family couldn't wait to say good-bye to 2010 that is for sure. It was a year of growth if nothing else and we are closer now then we have ever been as a family. So what has 2011 brought us so far? Let me tell sickness! We have all been sick at one time or another this month. Nichole has topped the cake this past week with being really really sick and we are still working through it. We have been having some fun together with the new Clubhouse, Daddy(curtis) and Grandpa Ben build in the back yard for Christmas. We have spending lots of time outside playing at the park as well. Curtis just started another round of school and I am 7 classes away from my BA. Slowly but surely right! It will so be worth it in the end but I am ready for May :). Here are some pictures of the holidays and us just doing things.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Where has the Year Gone!
So where do we start, so much change has happened within the past 8 months since my last post. Baby Curtis is 18 months-yes- one in half. He is our busy little man. His favorite word at the moment is "NO" of course. Curtis loves everything outdoors and the dogs. Nichole just started 1st grade this year. She is loves to jump rope and is still our little smarty pants. Curtis and I both are working for Banner Health and going to full-time. But we are working as such a great team that everything is going great. We have done some really fun things this summer. We went to the Grand Canyon (which was everyone's first time but mine). We stayed in Williams which was fun to watch the Wild West cowboy fight in the streets and took the train to the Canyon. We also went to Kingman and stayed in cabins. Back up to Williams with my parents for the rodeo (again a first for everyone but me). We all enjoyed it. In Mesa we made it to Golfland Sunsplash. Nichole still loves the rides and to our surprise baby Curtis did too. Overall we happy, maybe a little to healthy and as close as ever as a family.
Friday, January 8, 2010
2009 In a nutshell
Looking back on this year has it comes to a close; I think of all the great blessings that the lord has given us. The gift of Little Curtis for starters. He is now a 9-month year old and a little monster. We are fully aware of why we had him at this time in our life’s. He has been teething since he was two months old. Yes I said that right, so you think that he must have a mouth full-guess again only six. Curtis is a crawling little guy. He loves his sister to pieces and he has truly brought a great joy to our family.
This year was one of change as well. Nichole will be five (I can’t believe it) this month. This year she started Kindergarten and all day at that. I wasn’t sure that she was ready but she passed the test and has been doing wonderful since day one. She also started playing soccer this year. Everyone tells us how fast she is and she just reply’s by saying, “ I have super speed.” Nichole has made a few good friends at school, some in the neighborhood but still loves playing with her cousins the most.
Curtis is one busy man. He is a wonderful father and husband. Between work, church and family I am not sure how he finds any time to just relax. (But you better believe he has found the time for a NYG game and to go riding a few times) Curtis has had a huge change this year, he said goodbye to Bashas after six and half years. He is now the head Store Manager for The Kitchen in Scottsdale. It has been a huge change with a lot of challenges but he is happy with the move and more important knows it was the right thing for him. He is working with Brad (who is the GM for the company) all I have to say is the poor employee’s- just kidding.
As for me I have just been trying to make all work. I have been going to school full time; I am two classes away from my AAEE and then onto the big university for a year. I guess that the ten-year plan is for me. I have worked a little and am thankful for my sister’s who have helped make that and school happen. Besides the regular mommy and wife duties, I have been able to make some great friendships with some ladies from church.
We were able to go camping a few times this year, make it to Kingman and have a short but good trip to California. We went to Disneyland with my sister Suzie and her family. This year we planned on spending five days there, giving us more time to spend with family. When Curtis changed jobs two weeks before our trip we were just lucky enough to have the three days that we got. We love and miss everyone and hopefully this year we will be able to spend more time and keep in touch better with everyone. (Sorry we are so horrible at that).
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
New Pictures of the kids
So we finally got pictures done with the kids. We got them taken in October so Curtis was six months and Nichole was four in half. I am so happy with how much they love each other. I just can't believe how fast they are growing up.. I want them both to be babies forever, not really but a least not to grow up so fast.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Goodbye Bashas
As some of you know Bashas has been having trouble, over the past year there have been a number of changes that I will start by saying we have not agreed with. Over the past 7 years we have seen Bashas change a lot and almost nothing has been for the good. For sometime we have felt that we need to get out. We have been applying to many jobs even ones outside the country. Curtis hit his all time stress level last week and started shutting down. By that I mean he just didn't seem to have any energy to want to focus on work so he took a few days vacation within those few days he was lucky enough to get a phone call from a friend and General Manager of a business in Scottsdale. He needed Curtis to start right away. Today Curtis wrote a letter and burned the bridges that he had with Bashas. It was hard to say goodbye to something that has been a part of our lives for so many years but he feels as if a ton of bricks have been lifted off his shoulders. We have made many great work friendships and meet a lot of great people. However we feel so blessed that in the hard economic times that he was able to walk away and have another job pretty much handed to him. He is now the Office Manager/Bookkeeper. All I have to say is what am I going to do with a husband that works 7-4 and has the weekends off, and not on his feet all day oh wait I am going to love all the family time.
Friday, August 21, 2009
The Big News
So the Big News is my baby girl started Kindergarten. That's right all 4 years of her. She was so excited the first day.(my post is a week late)Her teacher is Mrs.Caha. Nichole is so much my daughter and I got a big dose the first day, has I was walking her to class she was having a hard time with her backpack because we had stuff in it that her teacher needed(baby wipes,tissues,ect..)so of course I am her mommy I went to help her only to be told ''Please don't touch me, I can do it myself." ok fine, but than we got to the classroom door and the biggest slam of all, she looked at me and said "Don't you even kiss me." I was a little crushed but I will be just fine because she still likes snuggles. Curtis and I really can't believe how big she or how darn smart. We are so proud of her. We love you Nichole...

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